» Registrar » College Scheduler
No! Northwest Scheduler is available to use once the course schedule for the upcoming term is available (about 3 weeks before preregistration opens). Follow steps 1-5 from the step-by-step guide to using Northwest Scheduler to prepare for registration. Once you find a schedule you want to save, click the heart icon at the top of the screen allowing you to name and save the schedule. You can save multiple schedules and even send to yourself or your advisor to review by clicking on the Email button.
Yes! You will receive your alternate pin following your advisement meeting with your academic advisor. You can use Northwest Scheduler without having your ALT PIN but you will not be able to complete the registration process without it.
Your academic advisor is listed on your Degree Audit and in CatPAWS by clicking on the Student, Registration, and then Student Records/Advisor Information. If you are changing majors and need a new advisor, contact the Student Success Center for general advisement or to assist in finding an advisor for your new major.
After you generate schedules, click on View to take you to the detailed view of the schedule. Then choose the email option at the top of the screen. You can email it to yourself and then forward on to your academic advisor. The other option is to email directly to your advisor by putting in their email address. Don't forget to put your name in the body of the message so the advisor knows whose potential schedule they are viewing.
The registration system checks for conditions – such as time conflicts, prerequisites, lab and lecture combinations, corequisite courses, and closed classes – that may block you from registering for a class.
Student is trying to enroll in a class section that does not match campus (Northwest, Online Professional, Web Only)
Actions to resolve the issue:
Enrollment in this section has reached the maximum set by the department
Actions to resolve the issue:
The class the student is attempting to add to registration causes them to exceed the maximum academic load permitted.
Actions to resolve the issue:
Student has not completed a required prerequisite course or does not have the test score required for this class, or has not been accepted into the Teacher Education program (Ed majors only).
Actions to resolve the issue:
Student has a hold which prevents adding or dropping a class in the registration system
Actions to resolve the issue:
Student is attempting to enroll in a course already completed
Actions to resolve the issue:
The section of the course you selected conflicts with the time of a previously registered class.
Actions to resolve the issue:
For Northwest Scheduler to work correctly for 500- and 600- level courses, the student MUST select all levels that the course is offered for credit at Northwest. Otherwise, when you click the Generate Schedules button, an error message is displayed that indicates the Subject and Course Number causing the problem.
Example error message:
"COM 29553 does not have any available sections with the settings you have selected."
Actions to resolve the issue:
To correct this error, click the Change button for Levels and select as follows:
Courses you are trying to enroll in may only be taught at certain locations, at certain times, or in certain semesters. You can try to adjust filters such as part of term, level, etc. or consider removing the breaks you included. Once you do this, click on the Generate Schedules button again to see if it produces schedule options.